Sunday, March 25, 2012

And now for something completely different....

The most dangerous weapon to those in power is knowledge, ideas and discussion. From this comes the concept of the Anarchist Bookfair, a place where knowledge and ideas are made available, especially those one might not encounter every day.

Saturday, May 5th
Grace Westminister Church, 505 10th St. East
Doors at 10:00 A.M.

Workshops (Listed below)
Alternative and D.I.Y. media
The Free Store:
Where nothing is for sale, the only rule being share and share alike. An introduction to gift economics.

Under capitalism, there is no such thing as a free lunch. For anarchists, there is no other kind. We will be serving a free&delicious vegan lunch and supper.

Free childcare is available at the Bookfair; kids and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!


"Imagined Communities: An Indigenous Manifesto Regarding The Occupy Movement"
The Occupy movement this fall captured the attention of the world, changing the narrative of political discourse in the West. We must not forget that occupation is nothing new to this land. Presented by Anna Hunter

"The Quebec Student Movement: History, Politics and Anarchist Involvement."
This workshop takes a look at the history of the Quebec student movement from the 1960's to the 2012 general strike, its victories and blunders and its politics and strategies. In many ways anarchists have influenced this union movement profoundly. Testimony from an anarchist who participated in the 2005 and 2007 Quebec student strikes will answer the questions of 'Why are anarchists involved' and 'why is it important to promote these types of unions across Canada'. A presentation by Prairie Struggle Organization.

"Will You Go Down On Me?"
A group discussion touching on contraception, including emergency contraception (hormonal and non-hormonal, "natural" options), addressing gender roles and patriarchy... in a sexual context, open communication with your partner or partners, openly expressing your needs and desires, safer sex in both homo and heterosexual encounters, maturbation, and positive body imagine in the bedroom (or anywhere you do it!). Followed by a sassy brainstorming session on ways that we as womyn and grrls can be supportive of each others personal journey to sexual empowerment.

"Anarchist Organizations"
A discussion that will include a basic introduction to anarchist
organizational principles, including what can be learned from the
platformist and especifista traditions. Prairie Struggle Regina members will use practical examples from their own experiences, both within anarchist organizations and as participants in a range of labour and social movement organizations to demonstrate some of the relative strengths and weaknesses of different organizational approaches. This workshop will offer space for discussion on the benefits of and challenges faced by contemporary anarchist organizations. Brought to you by the Prairie Struggle Organization.

"Permaculture; Presented by Rooted"
Permaculture is a theory of ecological design which seeks to develop sustainable human settlements and agricultural systems, by attempting to model them on natural ecosystems.

If you are interested in volunteering, having a table or hosting a workshop please contact us at