*Please forward widely!*
*Please direct all replies to: saskatoonanarchy@gmail.com*
The 3rd Annual Saskatoon Anarchist Book-Fair is quickly approaching, and we
are looking for vendors, workshop facilitators, and volunteers to help make
the event a great success!The fair will take place this year on
November 7th to 9th, 2008 at the Cosmo Senior Citizen's Centre off Broadway (614 11th Street East). Friday will consist of an evening social with details to be announced. Saturday will be the jam-packed day of book fair, including free vegan food, workshops, discussions, activist networking, and of course TONS of alternative and DIY media! Saturday night, we will be hosting our infamous
Anarchist Book Fair party, which will include live music, drinks, and dancing all under the theme of
Glamarchy! On Sunday, we finish it off with another day of food, organizing, and workshops (location TBA).
The event will be wheel-chair accessible and all ages, with free admission, free vegan food, free workshops, and free child-care. Donations will be accepted at the door to recoup expenses.
If you run a distro, store, collective, or other organization and would like to register a table to distribute your anarchy-related wares, please try to confirm with us
before October 31st by filling out the following form. Tables are free!
Likewise, if you want to lead a free workshop, please get in touch by filling out the following form. We are especially looking for creative and unusual workshop ideas that build community, deal with current needs, share useful skills, and are inclusive. We can supply electrical outlets,
white-boards/flip-charts, chairs, tables, pens/paper, and quiet space – let us know what you need. Again, please confirm with us by October 31st.
If you want to volunteer a couple hours to help out before or during this fun and busy day, we need you! Let us know before-hand what you enjoy most: childcare, cooking, cleaning, set-up, take-down, transporting items by bike or car, planning, or promotion, OR just show up on the day and ask someone what needs to be done. All contributing efforts are highly valued, and we
encourage drop-in visitors to take a shift washing dishes, sweeping, or moving tables to lighten the workload for everyone.
More info at:
1. http://saskatoonanarchy.blogspot.com.
2. Facebook Event Page (
http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=23010823913) - includes Carpool
3. Become a Saskatoon Anarchist Book Fair fan on our Facebook Fanpage
We can't wait to see you there!
Love and solidarity,
The book fair team
*The following form was stolen (with love) from the Edmonton Anarchist Book
Fair Organizing Committee*
* Preference will be given to vendors that provide anarchist/activist
literature or merchandise.
* Limited assistance for travel and billeting may be available for out
of town vendors.
* We are able to accept merchandise from vendors who are unable to
attend the event, but only on a limited basis.
Instructions to submit an application:
* Complete the attached form and email it to
saskatoonanarchy@gmail.com* Include your name, affiliation if any, the number of tables required, and
contact information
* Submission deadline is October 31st, 2008
* Only submissions by email are accepted
2008 Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair
November 7th - social evening (specific events TBA)
November 8th-9th - Book Fair
November 8th EVENING - Glamarchy! Party
Cosmo Senior Centre, 614 11th Street East, Saskatoon SKTABLE REQUEST FORM
Affiliation (if any):
City: Prov or State: Postal Code:
Telephone: Fax:
Email (required):
Date of submission:
How many tables will you require?
Brief description of what your table(s) will offer the public:
Travel Information:
1. Where will you (and your co-presenters) be traveling from, and by what
2. If you will be driving, can you drive other people that need rides in
your area? If so, how many spaces can you provide?
3. If you are not driving, can you ride with other people? How many
spaces will you need?
4. Do you require a travel subsidy? If so, how much?
1. Will you need a place to stay while you are in Saskatoon? If so, for
how many, and for how long? Please provide dates.
2. Other concerns or considerations, including smoke or pet allergies?
Will you require childcare? For how many children?