Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's coming soon!

Hello friend,

The 2nd Annual Saskatoon Anarchist Book-Fair is coming, and we need vendors, workshop facilitators, and volunteers!

The dates have been set as September 28th and 29th, 2007 at the Cosmo Senior Citizen's Centre off Broadway, with a potluck supper on Friday the 28th to welcome out-of-towners followed by a party with live music, and a jam-packed day of book-fair from 10 am to 10 pm on Saturday the 29th. (No fair on Sunday)

The event will be wheel-chair accessible and all ages, with free admission, free vegan food, free workshops, and free child-care. Donations will be accepted at the door to recoup expenses.

  • If you run a distro, store, collective, or other organization and would like to register a table to distribute your anarchy-related wares, please try to confirm with us before September 10th. Tables are free; however we encourage donations from vendors that profit from the fair to help pay the bills. If you are traveling from afar, let us know ASAP if you need a billet (how many people, any allergies, any lifestyle or bedding preferences) and feel free to ask us about travel subsidies. Also, please let us know approximately how much table space (square metres) you would like. Interested parties ask us about adding a non-compulsory $1 Tree Tax to prices of print materials that we will donate to an appropriate conservation or reforestation organization (to be determined – any suggestions?) after the fair.
  • If you want to lead a free workshop, please get in touch! We are especially looking for creative and unusual workshop ideas that build community, share useful skills, are inclusive, and that deal with any of the following or something else entirely: aboriginal justice, food, community organizing, consensus facilitation, queer/LGBT issues, feminism, age-ism, social justice, class struggle, pacifism, armed resistance, permaculture, alternative energy, reducing consumption, green technology, mental health, science, spirituality, history/herstory, anarchy in practice/anarchy defined, political theory, media, language, etc. We can supply electrical outlets, white-boards/flip-charts, chairs, tables, pens/paper, and quiet space – let us know what you need. The workshop schedule will be finalized in September, but let us know right away about any scheduling constraints on the 29th. Optimistic deadline for workshop submissions: September 10th.
  • If you want to volunteer a couple hours to help out before or during this fun and busy day, we need you! Let us know before-hand what you enjoy most: childcare, cooking, cleaning, set-up, take-down, transporting items by bike or car, planning, or promotion, OR just show up on the day and ask someone what needs to be done. All contributing efforts are highly valued, and we encourage drop-in visitors to take a shift washing dishes, sweeping, or moving tables to lighten the workload for everyone.
More info, including a car-pool registry, coming soon at

Love and solidarity,
The bookfair team

E-mail us: saskatoonanarchy (at) gmail (dot) com